Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chennai, India

Hi here are the pics from India!!!

In the van that picked us up from the airport

Me and Xin

Jo Wen on the right. We got the bumpy back seat of the van

Chennai Airport

Mine and Xin's room at the Marriot Hotel

Breakfast at the hotel.My favourite meal of the day.The waffles were so good

Ignore the disheveled hair and please take note of the yummy waffles on the table and in my hand.

Part of the Breakfast buffet.

Another one of my favs. A selection of juices and milkshakes galore!

The selection of pastries for breakfast

On the way to the squash courts

Um...random pics of the scenery as we drive pass

Yeah they hang their laundry out to dry by the road side.

Scenery while walking to the courts

The track and field and basketball court

On the way to courtsThe building housing the courts

The glass court where the semi-finals and finals were being played
Ah the battle between Hong Kong and Malaysia

We finally settled for a truce thus a historic photo was taken

That's Lucy Liu in the middle..well she's not really called Lucy Liu but i gave her an english name so it kinda stuck...

Prize-giving...Malaysia won all 4 titles both girl and guys individuals and teams

Malaysian team

Team dinner. The buffet was great. We could order as many pizzas as we want!

Dessert take 1

Dessert take 2

Me and Wern

Now observe that this corner looks very plain and innocent and free off food but if you take a closer look.......

Voila!!All you can eat Baskins and Robins ice-cream!!!!!!!!

Catfish and goldfish
Lucy Liu and me!! Me and Xin walked the whole of 6 floors to look for the Hong Kong gals coz they were'nt in their room on the fourth floor. Apparently while we were looking for them they were looking for us hahaha...eventually we manage to bump into each other

Me and the Iranian dude who took pics with me and Xin when we passed by his room in our quest to look for the Hongkies.

We were upgraded to business class on our flight back...booyah!!!

That's Kamran's way of sleeping

A scenery outside my window

We arrived KLIA and me and the Low sisters were wating here for 4 hours for our transit flight to Penang. That's Wee Nee sleeping at the booth in KFC

Werny using the net
So yeah that's about it. I'll be heading back to India again at the end of July...haih.....